Are you trying to prove your worth through work?

I was sitting in my therapists office and I was LOSING MY MIND after a breakup 

I didn’t know who I was + all I was left with was a budding career. 

I decided at that moment 3 things:

  1. I never wanted to feel that heartbreak again

  2. Traveling + escaping would become my M.O.

  3. I’d stop at nothing to become a BOSS

This was the moment I shutdown my heart to focus on what I could control.

You see, being in relationships was always hard…

  • I hated being vulnerable

  • I didn’t know how to receive love 

  • I had no idea how to communicate 

So much seemed out of my control + I hated it.

So instead of learning how to do the emotional work, for the next 6 years, I ran myself into the ground, trying to prove my worth through work.

  • Waking up at 3AM to catch a 6AM flight

  • Working through holidays, birthdays and weekends

  • Taking on more work so I could fast track my success 

If you’re doing the above 👆🏻thinking it’s what you’re supposed to do…I get it.

It feels good to achieve + work towards your goals, and to be able to have a sense of control over the results you get. 

But if you’re doing it to prove something, or to hide from a part of your life that’s painful…no promotion, money or award will feel like enough. 

Your Authentic Success and fulfillment comes from the capacity to feel your emotions, not bury them deep inside, trying to be perfect. 

To be able to move through what makes your armpits sweat + your blood boil, not ignoring what’s important to you, or standing for what you believe in. 

You can stuff it all down, close your heart, deny the part of you that so badly wants to express…but when you do that, you are really stifling your next level success.

To alleviate the pressure to do more more more, it takes opening your heart and feeling it all. Leading from a place of vulnerability, compassion, and deep connection to yourself. 

I know it’s scary, and some days it sucks. But it’s the very thing you’re missing, keeping you from experiencing boundless energy, fulfillment, and freedom in your career/ business.  

Joy in your life, Harmony in your relationships, sustainable well-being and professional growth that feels really good, takes doing what scares you the most. 

Logical intelligence will only get you so far, emotional intelligence is the key to your success.

Want to alleviate the pressure of feeling like you’re not doing enough, allowing others to dictate and control your day?


When nothing is working, don’t give up!


Not every sacrifice is worth it